Collaboration • Education • Passion
Project Planet Indonesia is a non-profit organization that centralizes all information and activities surrounding sustainability. We are a one-stop platform to facilitate access to information in order to inspire and initiate change.
Our organization's current focus is on environmental education, we aim to inspire action in all areas of Indonesia, from governments to schools and secluded villages. We also initiate bigger projects relating to forest & biodiversity conservation, which will be disclosed shortly (stay tuned!).
Read about the beginning of Project Planet Indonesia by clicking the button below!
To make Indonesia environmentally and socially mindful in policies, actions, and responsibility and collectively work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals no. 10, no. 13 and no. 15.
To build an Informed, passionate, and conscious Indonesia through environmental education and community engagement programs, and a platform to cultivate initiatives against environmental and social issues in Indonesia.
To execute biodiversity conservation projects around Indonesia and mitigate climate change through carbon credits and offsets.
The helping hands bind with the leaf to symbolize the synergy between community and nature.
Whereas the resemblance to a whale’s tail represents our care for animals and the ecosystem.