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Let's do the 14-day #GREENLIVINGCHALLENGE!

Writer's picture: Stephanie ClarissaStephanie Clarissa

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We’re here to guide you in your eco journey!

After the Indonesia Green Living Festival, we encourage you to take the 14-DAY GREEN LIVING CHALLENGE! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #greenlivingchallenge and tag us on Instagram @projectplanet_id. The challenge starts on Monday, 14 September, but of course, you’re free to do this challenge any time you want. Can’t wait to see you guys flourish in your eco journey 😍

DAY 1 - Make it a Meatless Monday

Does the thought of going vegan or vegetarian seem too daunting? The good news is that committing to eating meat-free for just ONE DAY a week has extreme benefits for both you and the environment. This Monday, we challenge you to skip the meat and increase your vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole-grains intake.


Globally, livestock production is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all the world’s transportation systems combined - according to research, if everyone went vegetarian for just one day, we would save 100 billion gallons of water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide.

DAY 2 - Get Inspired and Take Action

(Re)discover your own personal inspiration towards adopting a more sustainable lifestyle through watching a sustainability documentary and/or reading articles from green media like Project Planet ID! Use your enthusiasm and explore ways you can save the world!


Sustainability is just as much a mindset as it is a lifestyle. Getting inspired and learning is the first step to creating lasting change. The more you understand, the greater the appreciation you will have for our environment. Once you get the wheels in motion, you’ll become motivated to do more and live a richer, more rewarding life!


From today onwards, challenge yourself to avoid using single-use plastics. This means swapping them out for more sustainable, recyclable, compostable, and non-plastic alternatives.


Plastic is non-biodegradable, which means plastic items take 1000 years to degrade in landfills, while plastic bottles take at least 450 years. Every day, approximately 8 million pieces of plastics find their way into our oceans, where there are already approximately 5.25 trillion macro and microplastic pieces floating around.

DAY 4 - Cold Shower Challenge

Turn down the heat because ONLY COLD WATER SHOWERS allowed today. Relax your shoulders, breathe slowly and deeply, and embrace the cold!


Not only are cold showers great for your physical and mental health - improving your blood circulation, immune system, skin, metabolism, mood, etc. cold showers are also much more eco-friendly since they use less energy, electricity, and resources. Water heating can account for up to 25% of a home’s energy use, with every minute spent waiting for the flow to heat up equating to 2.5 gallons of water. On the other hand, cold showers decrease shower time, therefore decreases water usage. You will feel better, save money, and protect the environment, all at the same time!

Day 5 - Take Your Workout Outside

Get your sweat on with Mother Nature today. All you have to do is get out and go, whether it’s going for a walk, mountain biking or doing yoga in your backyard. Any movement counts, and even five minutes will do!


We all know that exercise is great for our overall health and wellbeing, but what we might not know is that exercising outdoors improves mental clarity, self-esteem, reduces stress, as well as reduces your carbon footprints since you are minimizing the use of energy-consuming machines.

Day 6 - CARbon-Free Challenge

From today onwards, commit to using greener alternative modes of transportation when going out, such as riding the bus, carpooling, taking public transportation, walking, biking, scootering, or telecommuting to help improve air quality and reduce emissions.

MOTIVATION The transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, attributing to 22% of global CO2 emissions. By participating in the Green Commute Challenge, you can help reduce traffic, air pollution, and other negative side effects of solo automobile travel, as well as save money on gas, vehicle expenses, and gain health benefits from reduced stress and increased physical activity.

Day 7 - Create Your Own Zero Waste To-Go Kit

Bring your zero-waste kit everywhere you go to reduce your convenience-based waste. Some basic elements to include in your kit: Reusable canvas bag, water bottle, jars & containers, multipurpose eating utensils, sustainable straws, cloth napkin, etc. MOTIVATION

As consumers, one of the most effective ways to impact the way large corporations are using plastic is to demand for change by changing our lifestyle. Most people find themselves consuming single-use plastics when they are on-the-go out of necessity or convenience. By carrying a zero waste kit and opting-out of convenience, you are decreasing the demand for single-use plastics and encouraging companies to get rid of them for good.

Day 8 - Hold Off Your Food Deliveries

It’s time to say goodbye to your favorite food delivery apps for the rest of the week. Starting today, challenge yourself to stick with home-cooked meals. It’s the perfect time to explore easy healthy recipes, get cooking, or even create your own sustainable meal plan. Home-cooked meals are better for you, the planet, and your wallet! MOTIVATION

Most restaurants use a massive amount of plastic, styrofoam, and other non-recyclable materials to package food - ONE order typically includes 2-3 plastic boxes, carried in 1-2 plastic bags with an assortment of plastic utensils and straws which end up in our landfills, the oceans, and are often consumed by the animals we eat. By holding off your food deliveries, you will decrease food and packaging waste, use less energy, and be able to source more sustainable ingredients.

Day 9 - Don’t Toss It, Plant it!

There are many vegetables out there you can regrow from scrap without a garden! Today, regrow your otherwise discarded kitchen scraps into a whole new edible plant. Here are some easy ones to start off with: green onions, celery, romaine lettuce, garlic, ginger, potato/sweet potato. It’s fun, free, sustainable, and delicious!


An estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted globally each year, producing large amounts of methane in the landfills. Recycling by regrowing the kitchen scraps you get from fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways a household can promote self-sufficiency, save money, and contribute to reversing climate change. For every scrap regrown, there is less waste that ends up in landfills.

Day 10 - Happily Separated

From today, start a habit of separating your household trash into general waste and recyclable waste by using either the three bin system (glass, plastic, paper) or the more advanced six bins system (plastic, metal, paper, glass, compost, and organic waste). MOTIVATION

The world generates 2.01 billions tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, with at least 33% of that not managed in an environmentally safe manner. Separation of household waste ensures that recyclable materials are reused, limiting the use of raw materials in the production of new materials. It also reduces waste taken to landfill, thus minimizing the combustion of residual waste and CO2 emissions.

Day 11 - It’s Shopping Time!

Grab your shopping bags and containers and head down to your nearest traditional market (pasar) or bulk/zero-waste supermarkets, load up on delicious local food, and then work on coming up with some new plant-based recipes (Preparation for Day 12) that incorporate all that fresh local produce! So many fresh fruits and vegetables are awaiting you - package free!


Packaging from food products makes up nearly a quarter of landfill waste. By shopping at a pasar or zero-waste supermarket, you can help reduce the toll of plastic on the environment, all the while supporting local farmers and businesses, reducing food miles, and enjoying fresher, tastier and more nutritious produce at the peak of its season.

Day 12 - Let’s Get Cooking!

Skip the packaged, processed foods today and reap the full benefits of cooking and eating home-cooked, whole-foods, plant-based meals. By preparing your own meals, you’ll get the most out of your fresh produce, use up pantry ingredients that you’ve forgotten about, reduce food waste, save money, and eat healthier for you and the planet. Get your creative chef hat on!


Factory farming and food production is the largest source of environmental degradation, driving climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, pollution, and unsustainable changes in water and land use. Human diets are inevitably linked to health and environmental sustainability - a sustainable diet is one that consists of a variety of whole plant-based foods, low amounts of animal foods, highly processed foods, and added sugar.

Day 13 - Turn Trash into Cash

Reduce, reuse, and recycle, and make some money along the way! Today, take your recyclable waste to a bank sampah and turn them into profit (bonus: electronic waste goes to ewaster!).

MOTIVATION Urban waste is a challenge to many Indonesia cities - everyday Indonesia generates 175,000 tons of waste, 81% of which remains unsorted. Turning trash into cash is a low-cost solution to urban waste, where plastics and paper can be used for commercial recycling, while food scraps and organic waste can be converted into fertilizers with live bacteria.

Day 14 It’s Compost Time

Did you know that half of a household’s weekly waste could be composted? Today, prepare your compost bins and start composting whenever you can! If you have a backyard, you can opt for a tumbler bin or enclosed bin. Otherwise, you can always use an indoors bokashi bin or electronic composter.


Composting is one of the best things you can do for the environment - almost 20% of methane emissions come from organic waste unable to completely break down in landfill. By composting food scraps you produce in the kitchen, you can create a beautiful compost AND cut down greenhouse gas emissions.


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